CEA Consultancy
Vertical farm feasibilty study
CAPEX/OPEX modeling
Grow Dynamics has developed a detailed cost model to determine the commercial viability for developing and constructing a vertical farm or container farm. This model looks at the Capital cost (Capex) required to design and construct the facility with options to consider various building types. It also analyses the likely revenue that can be generated based on the annual yields and sell price per kg of a mix of different crop types that can be grown within the facility. Contact Us for more information.
Crop selection recomendations
Our team of experts have been working in the horticulture and hydroponics sector for over 15 years. We regularly work with growers and plant scientists which allows us to provide advice on which crops can be grown within a vertical farm or container farm, the likely annual yields that can be achieved, and the environmental control settings that will ensure optimal conditions for whichever mix of crops are grown.
Energy efficiency and carbon impact
Vertical farms and container farms are fully enclosed growing facilities which use electrical energy to power the grow lights and HVAC systems. Our design philosophy includes detailed energy profiling to fully identify the likely electrical loads throughout a growing day. We look at alternative energy systems and renewable energy sources to ensure the carbon footprint is carefully calculated and considered.
Vertical farming and ESG
With climate change and geopolitical challenges impacting food supply and pricing, vertical and container farming is still a newly emerging sector which is attracting a lot of interest from investors, retailers, food processors and restauranteurs. Grow Dynamics works with our clients to identify Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria to support our client’s applications for investment.
Vertical farm technical consultancy
Site identification and building design
Grow Dynamics works with clients and commercial real estate companies to identify optimal site locations. This includes an analysis of road networks and access to the site and proximity to likely routes to market. The Grow Dynamics team undertake building design through working with our network of architect and construction partners.
Grow Systems and Technical Innovation
Grow Dynamics has developed a number of successful grow systems using existing and proven
technologies. We continue to evolve and evaluate various systems and approaches that have proven
to be successful, and we develop innovative solutions to provide the optimal systems to best meet
our client’s requirements.
Post-Production & Processing facility design and layout
When designing a vertical farm we consider the whole process from germination and propagation,
through growing, to harvesting and packing. It is essential to ensure that sufficient attention and
space is allocated to the processing side of the business based on the market requirements that the
client has to achieve.